Number Number Language Factors, Multiples, Primes Directed Numbers Accuracy Rounding Whole Numbers Decimal Places Significant Figures Upper and Lower Bound Calculations Ordering Numbers Order of Operations Fractions and Decimals Introducing language Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions Fraction of Amount Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers Fractions and Decimals Adding and Subtracting Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Percentages Percentages, Fractions, Decimals Percentage of Quantity A Quantity as a Percentage of another Percentage Increase and Decrease Reverse Percentages Ratio and Proportion Dividing a Quantity in a Ratio Direct and Inverse Proportion Indices, Standard Form Indices Fractional and Negative Indices Exponential Equations Standard Form Interest Simple Interest Compound Interest Venn Diagrams Algebra and Graphs Geometry Mensuration Coordinate Geometry Trigonometry Vectors/Matrices/ Transformations Probability Statistics |
How to Round with Decimal Numbers
On your IGCSE GCSE maths exam papers you will have to be able to round all sorts of numbers properly. Angles for instance you need to round correctly to 1 decimal place. But there will be more situations in which you will be asked to apply your knowledge and understanding of decimals and rounding. Carefully study therefore the following maths videos which will explain to you step by step how to round with decimals. Study all the maths activities and solve all the example questions and you will be great in rounding with decimals. Good luck!