Number Number Language Accuracy Calculations Fractions and Decimals Percentages Ratio and Proportion Indices & Standard Form Interest Venn Diagrams Algebra and Graphs Algebraic Indices Variation Functions Geometry Mensuration Measures Perimeter/Area/Volume Coordinate Geometry Trigonometry Pythagoras' Theorem Basic Trigonometry Trig Word Problems 3-D Trigonometry Sine and Cosine Rule Area of any Triangle Bearings Angles of Elevation/Depression Vectors, Matrices and Transformations Probability Basic Probability Further Probability Statistics Mean/Mode/Median/Range Collecting and displaying data Cumulative Frequency |
3-D TrigonometryYou can also be asked to apply your knowledge of Trigonometry in 3 dimensional situations. Most of the time you will be confronted with a cube or cuboid in which you usually will have to calculate lengths (although 3-D trigonometry can also be applied in other bodies like cones, cylinders etc). These lengths are typically diagonals going through the body. As you will learn in the videos, most of the time you can use Pythagoras' theorem to solve these types of questions. Try to find the plane in which your length lies in (especially part 1 will show you). The second question frequently asked with these types of questions, is to calculate the angle between one of those diagonals and a plane of the 3-D figure. After studying especially part 2 of the following videos, you will notice that you will always have to try to find the right-angled triangle in which that angle can be found. That will be the part of the question which will require the most of your attention. Once you have decided upon an appropriate triangle (please draw it separately and add all the information), then you can use basic trigonometry to find the size of the angle you are looking for.
How to solve Past Paper Question involving 3D Trigonometry