Number Number Language Accuracy Calculations Fractions and Decimals Percentages Ratio and Proportion Indices & Standard Form Interest Venn Diagrams Algebra and Graphs Algebraic Indices Variation Functions Geometry Mensuration Measures Perimeter/Area/Volume Coordinate Geometry Trigonometry Pythagoras' Theorem Basic Trigonometry Trig Word Problems 3-D Trigonometry Sine and Cosine Rule Area of any Triangle Bearings Angles of Elevation/Depression Vectors, Matrices and Transformations Probability Basic Probability Further Probability Statistics Mean/Mode/Median/Range Collecting and displaying data Cumulative Frequency |
How to solve Word Problems with Trigonometry
What are Angles of Elevation and DepressionFrequently word problems involving trigonometry will include angles of elevation and depression. I have added the videos I made on this important GCSE IGCSE maths topic below, but please have a look at the entire page which I dedicated to angles of depression and elevation (click here). It is still very important to make a sketch for each question. Make sure to be especially careful when given the angle of depression for many students identify the wrong angle to be the angle of depression. Have a look at the next video during your maths revision in which I explain what angles of Elevation and Depression are.
Solving Maths Questions about Angles of Elevation and DepressionOnce you understand what angles of elevation and depression are (so make sure to have seen the previous two videos), you can study the following example maths questions during your maths revision. You will learn how to solve questions about angles of elevation and depression and what the types of mistakes are other students make.
Extended Past Paper Question regarding solving Angles of Elevation and Depression
If you really like Maths, Trigonometry and Angle of Elevation and Depression you should have a look at the next maths video during your revision. This is a question asked by one of you which I answered with a video. It is a little bit beyond what you need to be able to do on your IGCSE GCSE Maths exam but there is nothing wrong with knowing more than necessary. It is definitely an excellent preparation to pass your next maths exam. Good luck and have fun!