Number Number Language Accuracy Calculations Fractions and Decimals Ratio and Proportion Interest Algebra and Graphs Algebraic Indices Variation Functions Mensuration Measures Perimeter/Area/Volume Coordinate Geometry Trigonometry Pythagoras' Theorem Basic Trigonometry Trig Word Problems 3-D Trigonometry Sine and Cosine Rule Area of any Triangle Bearings Angles of Elevation/Depr Probability Basic Probability Further Probability Statistics Mean/Mode/Median/Range |
Do you think you still have plenty of time to study for your IGCSE / GCSE maths exam paper? Don't you understand maths but will you try to get your maths questions answered rather tomorrow than today? Do not wait too long with starting to study for your maths exams! Time flies and the longer you wait the more difficult it will become to understand all the IGCSE / GCSE maths topics. So start studying for you maths papers today! During your maths revision examine as many example maths questions as possible and do all the maths activities and worksheets yourself afterwards. And never forget, if you need more help with maths or still don't understand parts of algebra, geometry or trigonometry, send me a message! I am more than happy to explain the topics to you with extra example questions, activities and worksheets. Then you will arrive well prepared at your IGCSE / GCSE maths exams! So what will you be doing with your time from now on?